Welcome to Nairobi's hub for Data Science, Business Support, and everything Business Management.

Our Expertise

Our team specializes in finding creative solutions to your specific challenges. Our focus is on delivering results that are tailored to your business' specific goals and needs. We pride ourselves on our ability to think outside the box and provide innovative solutions that drive results.

Our Culture & Approach

Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. We believe in the power of partnership to drive success. From the start of our engagement, we work with you as a true partner. We will bring our expertise to the table, but ultimately, we are here to support and enable your success.

Our Clients

Our clients tell a story of their journey on our canvas. We partner with our clients to bring rich, functional, and reliable solutions that focus on elucidating the image and functionality of their brands.

Culture is Everything

We are simple, curious, collaborative and passionate. Our culture emanates from how different we are. A multidisciplinary agency filled with people from different backgrounds who are empowered and inspired to think about products, companies and challenges in a different way.


  • Lameck, is an industry bread consultant with a resourceful scope on matters contemporary business dynamics.
    Lameck Team Leader
  • " Nihil praeter optimum " Nothing but the best. That was the maxim of Nyaga alma mater. It is a maxim that drives him to date, to excel in whatever engages his mind.
    Nyaga Partner
  • Newton is proficient in specialized public affairs assignments such as Executive/Board level communication, corporate alliances building, political affairs management and navigation, message development and media training
    Newton Partner